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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Hook 'em Horns

The Austin American-Statesman's Kirk Bohls is predicting Texas 48-44. He says someone has to beat USC someday, why not the Longhorns tonight? Sounds good to me.

This blog is wearing burnt orange today (and hopefully tomorrow) in support of the Texas Longhorns football team.

The CSS code is #CC6633 for anyone who wants to blog in the orange as well.




Blogger Jessica said...

Crazy game, huh? Despite the dubious lateral, er fumble?, for a touchdown, Vince Young is frickin' amazing.

5:27 AM  
Blogger James Brush said...

Yeah, Vince is great. I've never seen anyone so cool and under control. He's so much fun to watch.

6:27 AM  

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