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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Day: Here's the Tree

The suspense is over. Here’s the tree that we haven’t put up since 1997:

Christmas Tree

Much has changed since then. It’s a different world, and yet the same old tree with some of the same ornaments that Zephyr once chewed up. I was upset when she did it, but now that she's gone, it makes me smile to see her teeth marks on them. It’s added a whole layer of happy memories that dangle from the tree along with the ornaments.

And so amongst decorations, with music playing, food digesting, and A Christmas Story repeating endlessly on the tube, I find myself caught up in the bottom-line (no not that bottom line) magic of this time of year that when stripped of its commercialism, its overindulgence, its manufactured angst and hurry, comes to mean, for me anyway, the acting out of a desire for nothing more than simple peace and happiness, which I think is probably what most people really want. Let it be so.

Merry Christmas.



Blogger Jessica said...

Merry Christmas!

6:52 PM  
Blogger James Brush said...

Thanks. Merry (belated) Christmas to you.

6:52 PM  

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